
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Two!!

Well, I didn't think I would have so many comments that quickly! Thanks for all your support and great advice. You are right, the key to weight loss is what they say every week on the Biggest Loser; calories in vs. calories out! So, I do just that. Nothing goes in my mouth unless I know exactly how many calories is in it and then I make sure that I am active enough through the day to give me at least a 1,000 calorie deficit. (I do have a bodybugg and I would highly recommend if you can afford it....get one!) However, if you can't you can still count your calories in and there are all kinds of resources online that will tell you, on average, how many calories a specific activity will burn. Another thing I like to do is weigh everyday. I know they tell you not to do this; but if you are using a digital scale that gives you weight like 250.8, you should see that tenth going down each day. If it starts to creep up then you can examine your day and see what you are doing to cause the rise. This is just me, if it works for you then great! Definatly weigh every week so that you may see the fruits of your success. Also, I like to take my measurements every 2-3 weeks. I like to know that eventually my "fat" clothes will be falling off me!!! Anyway, things have been pretty good this week. Thursday's are always hard for me cause I am in class and lab all day; so just sitting there. The other students go out for lunch and bring back all kinds of greasy, wonderfully smelling food and it makes my mouth water. :( There is also all kinds of snacks set out by the teachers since we are in lecture for 8 hours and they figure we need nourishment. (since when do doughnuts and cookies count as nourishment?) But, I resisted the urge to endulge and went for the apple instead and I took a quick trip home for lunch that was already prepared. That's another key. If you know that a particular place, day, or whatever is going to be your weak point; prepare ahead of time so you can conquer! Well, that's all for today. Next post wil be on 1/25 for my first weigh in against the biggest loser contestants; I hope I pull a good number!!


  1. Sounds like you're doing awesome! I really need to get motivated and get started on something.

  2. Mandi: Starting is the hardest part. You find what motivates you and keep that as your focus when things get hard.


  3. Rock on Melinda! I like your very practical approach. Calories in vs. Calories out & weighing in every day so you don't have big surprises, especially big discouragements. Keep it up!!

  4. I love that you have this blog and can't wait for our weigh in and biggest loser night!! =) I have been doing the same thing as you (minus the body bug). I have this app on my iPod and it's called myfitnesspal! I LOVE it, b/c I can add all my foods, exercise, water intake, etc and it calculates how many calories, fat grams, vitamins, etc that I've ingested throughout the day. Whoo hoo! You rock girlie! SO glad that we're going through it together (wait...I mean, that we're losing weight together, not that we're STRUGGLING through it all togeth =)). I have lost 15.4 so far (granted, it's helped that my thyroid is finally at a normal level and some hormone levels are up...but still, it's great). horray for calorie counting. =)(Although I am set on 1,375, but aim for about 1,000 a day. As long as I stay under the 1300, I'm good and don't beat myself up so much. =) I'm impressed with your 1,000 daily/monthly.

  5. Hey cous, I LOVE what you are doing and I think you are amazing. Here are a couple of things that I know will make you successful:
    1. You are putting your weight out there for the world to see. I think because you are doing this you are really, honestly taking responsibility for yourself and that gets my respect above everything.
    2. Calorie counting and activity. Oh my gosh, you need to talk to my wife, Emily. She counts calories every day. We bought her a digital food scale for christmas and she keeps a very detailed spreadsheet that she created. Along with gym workouts and weights at home she is healthier than she has been since having our two kids (and I hear the body bug is great, too).
    3. Cardio. Stick with it. It will get easier and more fun. Just push past the pain and eventually you will begin to enjoy it.
    4. Support. You've got a lot, as is already seen by the comments on your two recent entries (no one comments on my blog, HA).

    For a little added inspiration, watch this video:
    I love this video. I watch it at least once a month. It is truly inspirational. You don't have to run a marathon, but just seeing the dedication and the happiness that came with it is truly inspiring.

    Keep it up and keep sending out reminders to come read your blog. I'm here to support you!!!

  6. Thanks Cuz for your help and encouragment! I am actually having fun doing this. It does get frustrating some days, but I might just end up being an athlete. :) Actually.....if you want to know a secret I am registered for the beginning triathlon in April here. I know...scary huh? Thanks again for supporting me and I think your pretty awesome to. :)

