
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Biggest Loser Weigh In

Well, here we are at my first official weigh in against the Biggest Loser contestants. (Even though we didn't get to see them weigh-in because of the state of the union address) Could I get a drum roll?????? Starting weight 266 lbs, current weight is.....262! Ok, I know it is only a 1.50% loss; but that is pretty good considering I don't have Bob and Jillian, or people preparing my foods, I have school, work, clinicals and everyday stress to work against. I am pretty proud of that number; mostly because it means that I will be in the 250's next week. That is going to feel sweet! Today was a big temptation day as well. When I took my first break during clinicals there were doughnuts, homemade fudge, crackers, soda; you couldn't imagine the spread they had in the break room. I quickly downed my water and ran back to the dressing room to relax away from all the food. Then when I went in for lunch they had homemade cream of chicken soup, homemade bread and jam, cookies, fudge, and the doughnuts from the morning. I still ate my little meal and ran back to the dressing room. I am sure they all thought I was crazy; but I couldn't stay there with all that temptation. Expecially since I am just starting on this journey and I didn't want to blow it after my "official" first week. Still I made it through, and even endulged in a healthy, 60 calorie, snack to celebrate! So worth it. Keep on keeping on! Thanks so much for all your comments. I know we can do this together.

P.S. If you comment, could you sign your comments? It doesn't even have to be your real name if you don't want; I would love to reply to you, but I like to know who I am talking to. Thanks so much!


  1. 4 pounds in a week is AWESOME! Progress not perfection, we can't all lose weight like biggest loser, and we shouldn't be expected to! Keep it up, you're doing great!

  2. That's awesome Millie!! =) Keep it up! I'm SOOOOO impressed that you held back from the temptations.

    P.S. I figured you knew it was me. =) ha, Kali

  3. Way to go - I'm pulling for you - Amanda W.

  4. That is Amesome!!!! Great job, and we're all cheering for you!

  5. Congratulations!! 1.5% is AWESOME!! Heck, .01% is AWESOME because that means you are still working at it!! I am so happy for you!

  6. Congrats! That takes some major will power. Good for you.
