
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weigh In

Well, what a week! It has been a hard one. The workouts are harder, the stress is more and life just has a way of trying to knock you down when you want to do something good. I didn't post last night because it was late, I still had homework to do and my mind and body were exhausted. However, I am happy to report that the hard work is paying off..........257.6 lbs!! That's a loss of around 1.90%, not to shabby. I am actually holding my own against the biggest loser contestants. (I can't believe it actually.) I have broken into the 250's. I haven't been there in at least a year. What a wonderful feeling. I think that my mother is right; that as I lose more weight I will lose the desire to ever go back. I have more energy, more desire, and am just happier. I find myself being more of myself, if that makes any sense. I can't wait to break into the 240's. I actually have set some intermidate goals on my way to the ultimate goal. One of them is to be at 230 lbs by the middle of March. That is only six weeks away, but I only have 27 more lbs to lose; totally possible!! It is so worth it. I love my life; even with all the hard work it is.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! That's great news! Most people only lose a little bit at a time. Just remember week after week of losing a few pounds adds up. You can totally lose 27 by mid-March. I'm cheering for you!

  2. Good job and great goals! Loving the positive attitude!

  3. Congrats! Way to go, Melinda! That's awesome!

  4. Melind,youare inspiring. When you get stressed take it all out in a good workout. I have found kickboxing a great stress reliever. Anything you can punch kick hitit helps :) im proud of you. Your body is getting strongerand you spirit too. (love stephanie).
