
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Ok, so water retention is lame!! Every female out there knows what I am talking about. :( I was having such a great week and then one day I wake up and the scale says I am up 5 pounds. Yikes! Freaked me out. I don't think I have ever been so depressed. I didn't want to go to the gym, go to class, work, or anything that I normally do. I was just so frustrated. I did go though; I worked so hard and I was still up. I couldn't believe it. I had been so close to breaking into the 240's and now I had to make up a lot of ground. Then, miracle of miracles, two days ago I suddenly dropped back down. My body finally decided that I wasn't given up and it better give me what I deserve. :) So, I am very happy to report this morning that I am officially 249.2! It's is not the kind of loss I wanted this week; but all things considered I find it pretty darn good. I am in the 240's and I will never go back. 19 pounds to go before hawaii; I am a little behind, but I think I will get very close. I found something out about myself this week. I had a surprise yesterday waiting in my email. My ex-husband and sent me an "update" about his life. He told me that he and his wife are getting sealed in the temple soon. (Those of you who are not LDS will not understand the signification of this, but just know that it is very important to my religion) He said he wanted to let me know before I heard it from other sources, because he wanted to be "honorable". I really didn't know how to feel about it. I sat there reading his email and just thought of all the things he did and said to me. At first, I was angry and wanted to reach through the computer and just strangle him. Then I thought, why should I be mad, it won't change what is past. He is happy and that is good. Not only that, but I am happy; which is better. Had we said together I would be miserable. He helped me get to this point by what he did and I am better for it. Look at what I have done just in the past few weeks? Had I received this email earlier it would have sent me into a deep depression. Now? It has just motivated me to great goals and heights. I am not angry; maybe a little shocked, but not angry. I will take that motivation and put it toward something great. After all, being everything that he said I would never be is going to be the best revenge. :)


  1. That is SUCH incredible success! (I got down to 253, but ate horribly on Valentine's day and jumped up to 256, my wretched number =)). That's SO great that you keep on your path and don't give up! You've passed me and I'm gonna try my darndest to catch up to you. =) ha

    P.S. that is CRAZZZZZZYYYYYY about Jesse! I thought that you were talking about him getting married a long time ago (being honorable and all that jazz). I had no idea it was to get SEALED in the TEMPLE! WOW! WAY TO GO for not letting it get to you and remaining happy, knowing that you are destined for WAY MORE HAPPINESS than you've known! =) Keep it up girlie! You rock

  2. Way to go Melinda! Issues from the past can do 1 of two things: 1.drag us down, 2. Make us stronger. I'm glad that you are using this as fuel for your fire. Letting go is one of the hardest things. My dad has been an issue with my past and when my parents got divorced and my dad came out I gained all of my weight back that I had lost. It is important to deal with the psychological issues that keep us eating head on. You are truly an example of a empowered women! Keep it going!

  3. Congrats, Melinda! Way to Go! The best things in life don't come all at once, but it is important to see progress. One of my favorite quotes by Thomas Monson is that "Success is the progressive realization of a righteous ideal." Keep it up!

  4. I'm right there with you Melinda! Anger, regret, and frustration are wasted emotions. After all, in the end we stand before our maker alone and have to account for only ourselves, so we might as well make it good. I'm proud of you!!! Aunt Carolyn

  5. Your attitude and accomplishments are totally awesome. I am so proud of you. Lots of love, Mary
