
Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh, what a tangled web!

Ok, Ok. I know it's been a while. Let's start off with after Hawaii. You all know that I gained some weight over vacation; and that's ok. It is going to happen and we just pick ourselves up and move on. Well, while I was out there my foot had started hurting again....quite a lot. I didn't let it stop me from enjoying my vacation though. I still snorkled, hiked, and played as hard as anybody else. Unfortunalty when I got back I ran out of excuses to not go to the doctor. My first day back at clinicals I tripped on a cord and had to catch myself with my right foot; pain like you couldn't believe! I thought it was just an "over-training" injury. I had been working hard ever since I got back and it felt like I might have torn a tendon or something. I knew that the doctor would probably just give me a shot and tell me to take it easy for a few days and all would be well. Ha......if only. They took x-rays first thing and I thought "what are these nurses playing at? They aren't going to see a torn tendon or muscle injury on a x-ray. Crazy people". As I was waiting for the doctor the nurse brought in the x-ray and just for fun I looked at it. (It's always entertaining looking at your own bones.) Well, there it was large as life.......a crack through my fifth metatarsal bone. My foot was fractured! I have been taking x-rays on other people for over a year now and this was only the second one that I could actually see the fracture without the doctor pointing it out....boy did I feel like an idiot! Well, we talked about surgery, casting and other options. Fifth metatarsal fractures, or Jones fractures, are harder to heal then others because of the location. He told me that if I was really good and did exactly what he said then we can avoid putting a pin in my foot. (always a good thing.) So, I cannot do any weight bearing exercise, at all, great! I have to wear a stabilization boot all the time, and have my foot propped up when not in use. I cannot have anti-inflammatory drugs since I need the inflannatory process to help the healing process. The best is this is going to be happening for three weeks and then I get another x-ray and see if it is healing. If not, then we go to surgery. Did I mention my foot had been fractured for two weeks before I went to hawaii? I had been working out on a broken foot all that time. (idiot) Also, I found all this out two days before my birthday, what a great week. Consequently, the weight loss has been slow and bouncing back and forth for the past few weeks. I am currently at 237lbs. Not bad, but not where I wanted to be. I am trying to be good so that I won't have to go to surgery, but it is hard. My mom and my trainer friend have been helping by giving me workouts, diet advice, and just normal daily support. So, this is the first serious road block to my goals, but it will work itself out. I am confident. Thanks so everyone for all your help and advice. Tell next week!!


  1. Girl! I'm so sorry. That really sucks. I hope your foot heals quickly so you can get back to working towards your goals!

  2. Injuries stink. I like your attitude of "this too will pass" as well as your determination to keep on moving forward even with this bump in the road. You look awesome and when you reach your next goal, you will look even awesomer (don't really think that is a word). You can do it! You've got it in you. Besides you're my favorite Biggest Loser contestant!!! (You're not a reject in my book)
    Love ya, Mary
